Royal Mencap Society

We are Mencap. Everything we do is about valuing and supporting people with a learning disability, and their families and carers. Our vision is for the UK to be the best place in the world for people with a learning disability.

Available opportunities

  • Gardening Volunteer (Loughborough)

    Opportunity by Royal Mencap Society

    Are you a "give it a go" or experienced gardener? We would love you to spend some time with us helping to keep our gardens looking neat and tidy.

  • Shop Volunteer (Loughborough)

    Opportunity by Royal Mencap Society

    Our shops are a hive of activity. We want you to join our friendly team and help us to raise even more money, to help make the UK the best place in the world to live for a person with a learning disability. Apply today!

  • Going to Church Volunteer – Loughborough

    Opportunity by Royal Mencap Society

    A lady we support with a learning disability is looking for a volunteer to accompany her to Loughborough Baptist Church. Do you have a few hours a week to spare to join her?

  • Mencap Volunteer Visitor – Wigston, Leicester

    Opportunity by Royal Mencap Society

    We are looking for a volunteer to visit a older gentleman. He will enjoy spending time with a friendly volunteer like you who has similar interests. By visiting every other month, you will make a huge difference.


Location Cannock WS11 0ET, UK