9th Leicester (Westleigh) Cubs

The 9th Leicester Scout Group was formed in 1909 and provides Scouting opportunities for children from the ages of 6 years old up to 25 years old. Cubs meet on Wednesdays at 6.30pm for children aged 8-11. We are located at our own scout hut on Stoughton Road, Stoneygate, Leicester.

Available opportunities

  • Beaver, Cub or Scout Team Members (9th Leicester)

    Opportunity by 9th Leicester (Westleigh) Cubs

    Team Members are adult volunteers who assist the group in delivering a programme to young people in Scouting. Volunteering with young people who are gaining skills for life is incredibly rewarding and Scouting is also lots of fun!


Location 58 Stoughton Road, Stoneygate, Leicester, UK