
Re-engage provides vital, life-enhancing social connections for older people at a time in their lives when their social circles are diminishing. Reducing loneliness and isolation amongst older people by bringing generations in friendship and shared experiences.

Available opportunities

  • Become a tea party driver

    Opportunity by Reengage

    Tea parties provide a lifeline of friendship for our older people, and the regular, warm, friendly chats and companionship provide a vital link with the outside world from which they have become isolated. Drivers take older people to the parties and stay with them to enjoy the get-together.

  • Become a tea party host

    Opportunity by Reengage

    This is a flexible, voluntary role that can easily be fitted in around your own lifestyle and availability. As a volunteer host you will run a local Re-engage tea party one to two times a year. You will host a group of 4 to 12 people (which includes drivers), the group coordinator as well as older.


Location 9 Bell Yard, London, UK