Trustee – a Voluntary Post

Opportunity by Helping Hands Community Trust
Available from home
Location Blaby Road, South Wigston, Wigston LE18 4SD, UK

We are looking to bring in new Trustees to support the growth of the Trust. We are looking specifically for Trustees who can bring mental health, HR and marketing skills. Meetings are currently monthly, but we are keen that all Trustees are regularly connecting with team members in the office

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About this role

The Trust has seen a significant growth in the demands for its services. The Trust is passionate about providing a face to face opportunity for clients to talk through the issues they have. We find that the presenting issue someone may have is not the core problem they may have, so we deal with multiple issues for a client.

We partner with the local Council, foodbanks and GP services to ensure that as many as possible have access to our services

We are based in South Wigston which is an area of significant deprivation.

Having been based there for 25 years we have earnt the trust and respect of the community.

We are developing a structural plan which will support our growth in a sustainable way, to do this we are looking to connect with passionate people, who want to make a difference in the community by brining in existing skills

We were awarded Charity of the Year 2023 in November by Voluntary Action Leicestershire


  • Willing to take a DBS Check
  • Accepts ex/offenders

The role of a Trustee is a critical one for a charity.
In our case we are looking for people who not only can add value to our governance requirements, but also who can help us create and embed adequate processes and procedures to support our team of paid and volunteer staff

Funding is a challenge for all charities and experience in obtaining funding either for core or specific projects would be helpful.


This opportunity allows you to volunteer from home

Available from home

Location Blaby Road, South Wigston, Wigston LE18 4SD, UK

Apply now