Tour Guide/Gallery Invigilator opportunities

Location Highfield Street, Leicester LE2 1AD, UK

We require tour guides and gallery invigilators for open days and family/group visits. These sessions and open days happen intermittently throughout the year. Volunteers would be trained and contacted when required. No previous knowledge of the Jewish faith is required.

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About this role

The Tour Guides are here to show visitors around the Synagogue, pointing out interesting features and explaining the meaning and history of the building and its heritage. Guides should be welcoming and helpful, be present in case of health and safety or fire emergency and answer any visitor queries that they may receive.

The Gallery Invigilators are here to welcome visitors into the exhibition space(s), be present in case of health and safety or fire emergency and answer any visitor queries that they may receive. The invigilators would be helping to ensure that all exhibits are displayed correctly and are working normally, and that visitors are acting in an appropriate manner within the galleries.


  • The Tour Guides and Gallery Invigilators should greet each visitor in a friendly manner and be happy to give further assistance with any queries that the visitor may have. Also encourage the use of interactive elements and promote areas that the visitor might miss
  • The Gallery Invigilators should ensure that all equipment and displays are working correctly in their galleries and report any maintenance issues to the Heritage Centre Manager (HCM).
  • The Tour Guide should have good and accurate knowledge of different features of the Synagogue
  • The Tour Guides and Gallery Invigilators should be aware of any potential health and safety issues and inform the HCM as appropriate.
  • The Tour Guides and Gallery Invigilators must ensure that the gallery spaces are tidy, free from obstructions, and that all removable items are present and in the correct positions.
  •  Gallery Invigilators must understand how all the interactive displays work, and to be able to recognise and help visitors who need assistance.

Skills the volunteer will develop

· You will learn what is involved in putting on events in a heritage setting.

· You will develop your communication skills and experience of working with the public

· You will develop your knowledge of Judaism and local history

· You will develop your skills in using interactive displays


  • References needed
  • Willing to take a DBS Check

Full training will be provided by LHC and we welcome anyone who is interested in knowing and learning about different faiths and in this case Judaism.
We are a small and very friendly team and would love to hear from you


Location Highfield Street, Leicester LE2 1AD, UK

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