Re-engage Tea Party Host

Opportunity by Re-engage
Available from home

Host tea parties to help tackle loneliness and isolation among older people.

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About this role

Tea parties provide a lifeline of friendship for our older people, and the regular, warm, friendly chats and companionship provide a vital link with the outside world from which they have become isolated. Re-engage needs enthusiastic volunteers to work as tea party hosts.

This is a flexible, voluntary role that can easily be fitted in around your own lifestyle and availability. As a volunteer host you will run a local Re-engage tea party one to two times a year. You will host a group of four to 12 people (which includes drivers, the group coordinator as well as older guests) in either your home or a community venue. The tea parties will last around two hours and will usually take place on a Sunday afternoon. You must be comfortable socialising with people and providing guests and other volunteers with refreshments. You will need two references and to complete an ID check for this role.

Visit our website to find out more information about the role and apply.

When you can volunteer



  • References needed
  • Age restrictions

Over 18s


This opportunity allows you to volunteer from home

Available from home

Apply now