Re-engage Tea Party Driver

Opportunity by Re-engage
Available from home

Transport older people to and from monthly tea parties

Apply now

About this role

Tea parties provide a lifeline of friendship for our older people, and the regular, warm, friendly chats and companionship provide a vital link with the outside world from which they have become isolated. Drivers take older people to the parties and stay with them to enjoy the get-together. Over time, drivers and older guests get to know each other well and together you will spend many hours full of fun, laughter, and stories.

As a tea party driver, you liaise with your group coordinator and take older guests to and from the tea parties each month. Staying at the tea party is part of your role, so it’s much more than being a driver.

You will need access to a full, clean driving licence, a DBS (England and Wales) or PVG (Scotland), and you must inform your insurance company that you’re driving on behalf of Re-engage for this role.

Visit our website to find out more information about the role and apply.

When you can volunteer



  • Access to a vehicle
  • Driving license
  • References needed
  • Willing to take a DBS Check
  • Age restrictions

Over 18


This opportunity allows you to volunteer from home

Available from home

Apply now