Loughborough Wellbeing Centre

The café provides members with a safe, supportive and welcoming place to go when other support services are closed. We aim to support people’s recovery and resilience to mental health issues and encourage a peer support network that will enable them to feel part of the community again.

Available opportunities

  • Trustee

    Opportunity by Loughborough Wellbeing Centre

    We have two available positions to become a Trustee at Loughborough Wellbeing Centre. Our board meet once every 8 weeks, normally virtually on a Wednesday early evening.

  • Refreshment Server (Sileby Wellbeing Hub)

    Opportunity by Loughborough Wellbeing Centre

    We have a friendly team of staff who require the support of volunteers to assist with our new fortnightly wellbeing hub in Sileby, like getting to know and talking to attendees and serving refreshments for the session.

  • Stitching Group Assistant (Female Only)

    Opportunity by Loughborough Wellbeing Centre

    Our weekly stitching group for ladies only requires an experienced volunteer to assist our Session leader to organise sessions and assist our stitchers. Our group sessions are targeted at members of the public who are suffering with poor mental health so a patient and listening ear is essential.

  • Welcome Assistant

    Opportunity by Loughborough Wellbeing Centre

    We have a friendly team of staff who require the support of volunteers to assist with varying tasks within our Centre, such as providing an excellent welcome to our café members, helping with shop displays and advising customers on our paint and shop products. Each shift will be a maximum of 2.5 hr

  • Session Assistant

    Opportunity by Loughborough Wellbeing Centre

    We require the support of volunteers to assist with getting to know and talking to café members and being a listening ear for any worries or concerns they have, and also ensuring they stay safe during any activities. A maximum of 2.5 hrs per session is required.


Location 63 Woodgate, Loughborough, UK