We deliver groups around the Leicestershire community, predominantly to people affected by dementia but also to people affected by other mental health issues. We use music, singing, physical and cognitive activity with the aim of affecting the wellbeing of all who attend.
Music is something anyone can take part in so attending carers, volunteers and leaders also benefit. Our groups offer a connecting and sharing experience. the musical activities unlock memories, conversation
Some of our further aims are:
– to add to a family’s support network by being a reliable and constant source of information and signpost to other relevant organisations and services.
– to offer opportunities to take part in new experiences, other collaborative projects, and enable attendance to theatre and cinema.
Music affects the whole brain 100%! Regardless of whether a person thinks they are musical or not, it is a powerful tool we can use to help anyone access memories, improve mood, boost confidence and wellbeing. The group leader uses songs, photo cues, singing games and music knowledge to show people with memory problems, or loss of confidence, what they still know, rather than highlighting what they’re no longer able to recall, learn new material and create new memories together.
Our groups are uplifting and we laugh a lot. we show people that they are pro-actively improving their day. People start to re-engage with community activities or just going out. We support trips to theatre and cinema and will ask where else they can attend a group.
We offer volunteering opportunities within our communities and they quickly become part of our welcoming community. Our volunteers often stay with us long term.
We are person centred in all we do.