We are looking for a volunteer to help increase our income from :- fundraising events, starting an ” easy giving” scheme or grant applications.
We are looking for a volunteer to help increase our income from :- fundraising events, starting an ” easy giving” scheme or grant applications.
At the moment the Youth Club relies on its financial reserves to remain financially viable, but gradually these will be used up.
We want to increase our income without putting up the subscriptions that the members pay, thus enabling the club to be available to anyone wanting to join, irrespective of their home situation.
The current trustees have their hands full with administrative and practical duties for the club and do not have the capacity to undertake more fundraising. We are looking for someone who would be able to initiate an ” easy fundraising” scheme. This involves encouraging people who feel positive towards the Youth Club to do their on-line shopping via the EasyFundraising website. For every purchase, the Youth Club receives a small percentage of the sale.
It would also be possible that after training the volunteer might be able to apply for grants that sometimes become available.
There is also the possibility of organising particular fundraising events, which could range from an indoor “car boot” sale in the Youth Centre to sponsored walks.
Depending on the wishes of the volunteer they could attend bi-monthlyTrustee meetings to get a feel for the organisation, or they could work purely from home, communicating with Trustees via phone or e-mail.
Required *
Our funders ask us to report on the age, gender, ethnicity and location of volunteers who use our service. All reporting is anonymous.
We will share your name and contact details with the relevant organisation as part of your application to a volunteering opportunity.
If you’d like to get in touch, please call us or send us a message via our contact form.
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Voluntary Action LeicesterShire is the trading name of Voluntary Action Leicester registered charity (No. 509300) Company Limited by Guarantee (No. 1357513) Registered in England and Wales. Copyright ©2024 Voluntary Action Leicester