DIY team at Measham and District Youth Club

About this Opportunity


We are looking for a volunteer who could help with occasional locking / unlocking the Youth Centre to allow hirers access. The role would also involve the ability to help with the routine maintenance of the building.


Measham and District Youth Club


Bosworth Road, Measham, Swadlincote , UK

DE12 7LG



About the organisation:

We run a youth club on Friday evenings in the village of Measham. We bought the old Methodist Chapel and converted it for use as a youth club and a community hiring facility. It is managed by a group of Trustees who maintain and manage the building and pay the youth leaders.

Full Details:

Measham and District Youth Club is run by a board of seven Trustees.   We maintain the Youth centre in as good a condition as we are able to make it an attractive place for Children and Youth to attend and take a pride in.  However the existing trustees are not as young as they were and some of them who did a lot of the routine DIY tasks in the past are not able to do these now.

We are looking for a volunteer who could help with painting and decorating, minor repairs to woodwork, plastering and plumbing.

If they lived within a short distance of the Youth Club, then occasional locking / unlocking to allow hirers access would also be very helpful.

The work could be done at a time to suit the volunteer as long as it did  not clash with the building being used for activities.   If the volunteer would like to attend Trustee meetings ( once every two months) to feel more involved with the overall running of the YouthClub, then they would be welcome.  These are held on a Wednesday evening.

Additional Information

Requirements / Restrictions:

Causes / Areas of Interest:

Specific Requirements or Restrictions

Enthusiasm and the ability to work as part of a team, to give a high quality result to a repair or a project.  Some DIY and maintenance skills.  Be willing to work under the direction of the Trustees

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Why we collect your age, location, gender and ethnicity

Our funders ask us to report on the age, gender, ethnicity and location of volunteers who use our service. All reporting is anonymous.

We will share your name and contact details with the relevant organisation as part of your application to a volunteering opportunity. 

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